Acetic anhydride by thermal deshydration of acetic acid
Chemical reactions
Ketene formation
=====> CH2=CO + H2O ( endo 32 kcl) catalyst :
triethyl phosphate (1% /AcOH) , reaction temp 450 to 700°c
Ketene produced react on acetic acid
CH2=CO + CH3CO2H =====> Ac2O (exo 25 kcal) reac temperature 20/40°C
N.B. catalyst killed after Ketene formation by adding ammonia to destroy catalyst
Example of a unit producing 1000 kg/h of acetic anhydride
Chemical yield based on acetic acid consumed : 92%
Mains by products :mixture of CO2/CO/C2H4/CH4 % ratio 14/46/23/17 , total which accouts for 3 to 5% of AcOH cracked

DISTILLATION SECTION (main equipment )
this assumed usage of crude acetic acid ,

Catalyst preparation (triethyl phosphate)
REACTION :sodium ethoxyde on POCl3